

Takes the GraphQL resolveInfo and returns a hydrated Object with the data.


A helper for resolving the Node type in Relay.



User-defined function that sends a raw SQL query to the databse.

sqlExprString | Promise.<String>

Function for generating a SQL expression.

whereString | Promise.<String>

Function for generating a WHERE condition.


Function for generating a JOIN condition.

thunk : function

Rather than a constant value, its a function to dynamically return the value.

joinMonster ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Takes the GraphQL resolveInfo and returns a hydrated Object with the data.

Returns: Promise.<Object> - The correctly nested data from the database.

Param Type Description
resolveInfo Object Contains the parsed GraphQL query, schema definition, and more. Obtained from the fourth argument to the resolver.
context Object An arbitrary object that gets passed to the where function. Useful for contextual infomation that influeces the WHERE condition, e.g. session, logged in user, localization.
dbCall dbCall A function that is passed the compiled SQL that calls the database and returns a promise of the data.
[options] Object
options.minify Boolean Generate minimum-length column names in the results table.
options.aliasPrefix String String to prefix to column and table names, useful to avoid conflicts in subquery expressions.
options.dialect String The dialect of SQL your Database uses. Currently 'pg', 'oracle', 'mariadb', 'mysql', and 'sqlite3' are supported.
options.dialectModule Object An alternative to options.dialect. You can provide a custom implementation of one of the supported dialects.

getNode ⇒ Promise.<Object>

A helper for resolving the Node type in Relay.

Returns: Promise.<Object> - The correctly nested data from the database. The GraphQL Type is added to the "__type__" property, which is helpful for the resolveType function in the nodeDefinitions of graphql-relay-js.

Param Type Description
typeName String The Name of the GraphQLObjectType
resolveInfo Object Contains the parsed GraphQL query, schema definition, and more. Obtained from the fourth argument to the resolver.
context Object An arbitrary object that gets passed to the where function. Useful for contextual infomation that influeces the WHERE condition, e.g. session, logged in user, localization.
condition where | Number | String | Array A value to determine the where function for searching the node. If it's a function, that function will be used as the where function. Otherwise, it is assumed to be the value(s) of the primaryKey. An array of values is needed for composite primary keys.
dbCall function A function that is passed the compiled SQL that calls the database and returns (a promise of) the data.
[options] Object Same as joinMonster function's options.

dbCall ⇒ Promise.<Array>

User-defined function that sends a raw SQL query to the databse.

Returns: Promise.<Array> - The raw data as a flat array of objects. Each object must represent a row from the result set.

Param Type Description
sql String The SQL generated by joinMonster for the batch fetching. Use it to get the data from your database.
[done] function An error-first "done" callback. Only define this parameter if you don't want to return a Promise.

sqlExpr ⇒ String | Promise.<String>

Function for generating a SQL expression.

Returns: String | Promise.<String> - The RAW expression interpolated into the query to compute the column. Unsafe user input must be scrubbed.

Param Type Description
tableAlias String The alias generated for this table. Already double-quoted.
args Object The GraphQL arguments for this field.
context Object An Object with arbitrary contextual information.
sqlASTNode Object Join Monster object that abstractly represents this field. Also includes a reference to its parent node. This is useful, for example, if you need to access the parent field's table alias or GraphQL arguments.

where ⇒ String | Promise.<String>

Function for generating a WHERE condition.

Returns: String | Promise.<String> - The RAW condition for the WHERE clause. Omitted if falsy value returned. Unsafe user input must be scrubbed.

Param Type Description
tableAlias String The alias generated for this table. Already double-quoted.
args Object The GraphQL arguments for this field.
context Object An Object with arbitrary contextual information.
sqlASTNode Object Join Monster object that abstractly represents this field. Also includes a reference to its parent node. This is useful, for example, if you need to access the parent field's table alias or GraphQL arguments.

sqlJoin ⇒ String

Function for generating a JOIN condition.

Returns: String - The RAW condition for the LEFT JOIN. Unsafe user input must be scrubbed.

Param Type Description
parentTable String The alias generated for the parent's table. Already double-quoted.
childTable String The alias for the child's table. Already double-quoted.
args Object The GraphQL arguments for this field.
context Object An Object with arbitrary contextual information.
sqlASTNode Object Join Monster object that abstractly represents this field. Also includes a reference to its parent node. This is useful, for example, if you need to access the parent field's table alias or GraphQL arguments.

thunk : function

Rather than a constant value, it's a function to dynamically return the value.

Param Type Description
args Object The GraphQL arguments for this field.
context Object An Object with arbitrary contextual information.