Introducing an Additional Batch to the Query Plan
Let's go back to the Post
and use this new strategy.
Instead of using a JOIN
to get the comments, we'll run it in a separate batch.
Join Monster uses the sqlBatch
property for this. It's an object the requires thisKey
and parentKey
These are the columns for which the values must match between the tables.
In this case, the value of the post_id
column in the comments
table must match the id
column in the posts
const Post = new GraphQLObjectType({
// ...
fields: () => ({
// ...
comments: {
description: 'The comments on this post',
type: new GraphQLList(Comment),
extensions: {
joinMonster: {
// instead of doing yet another JOIN, we'll get these comments in a separate batch
// sqlJoin: (postTable, commentTable) => `${postTable}.id = ${commentTable}.post_id AND ${commentTable}.archived = FALSE`,
sqlBatch: {
// which column to match up to the users
thisKey: 'post_id',
// the other column to compare to
parentKey: 'id'
// sqlBatch works with the `where` function too. get only non-archived comments
where: table => `${table}.archived = FALSE`
The New Query Plan
Now the Comment
and all its children are fetched in a separate batch. This plan now has 2 database queries rather than 1.
Join Monster looks at the 'id'
in each Post
and uses WHERE IN
to know which comments to get in the subsequent query.
It will "join" these results together by matching on the values in those columns in the application layer.
So a query like this:
user(id: 2) {
posts {
comments {
author {
Will execute with these two queries:
"user"."id" AS "id",
"user"."email_address" AS "email_address",
"posts"."id" AS "posts__id",
"posts"."body" AS "posts__body",
"user"."first_name" AS "first_name",
"user"."last_name" AS "last_name"
FROM accounts AS "user"
LEFT JOIN posts AS "posts" ON "user".id = "posts".author_id
WHERE "user".id = 2
"comments"."id" AS "id",
"comments"."body" AS "body",
"author"."id" AS "author__id",
"author"."first_name" AS "author__first_name",
"author"."last_name" AS "author__last_name",
"comments"."post_id" AS "post_id"
FROM comments AS "comments"
LEFT JOIN accounts AS "author" ON "comments".author_id = "author".id
WHERE "comments".archived = FALSE AND "comments"."post_id" IN (2,8,11,12)
Two database queries are made regardless of the number of posts, another way to get around the N + 1 problem, without a JOIN
Although this also works perfectly fine for a one-to-one relation, it is not recommended.
Not much is gained by batching on a one-to-one since using a simple JOIN
would not burden the database greatly.