Adding Sorting
To add any of the tables to the ORDER BY
clause, you can add the (thunked) orderBy
property. This is an object of with the sorted column(s) as the key(s) and either 'ASC'
or 'DESC'
as the value(s), or an array of {column, order}
s that lets you explicitly list order clause precendence..
const User = new GraphQLObjectType({
fields: () => ({
comments: {
type: new GraphQLList(Comment),
extensions: {
joinMonster: {
// order these alphabetically
orderBy: {
body: 'asc'
sqlJoin: (userTable, commentTable, args) =>
`${userTable}.id = ${commentTable}.author_id`
const QueryRoot = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
fields: () => ({
users: {
type: new GraphQLList(User),
extensions: {
joinMonster: {
orderBy: {
id: 'asc'
resolve: (parent, args, context, resolveInfo) => {
// joinMonster
So when we ask for a list of users and their comments:
users {
comments {
The SQL would look something like this:
"users"."id" AS "id",
"users"."email_address" AS "email_address",
"comments"."id" AS "comments__id",
"comments"."body" AS "comments__body"
FROM accounts "users"
LEFT JOIN comments "comments" ON "comments".author_id = "users".id
ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC, "comments"."body" ASC, "comments"."id" DESC
Explicit ordering order
specified as an object provides a handy shorthand, but is not very clear when used to express multiple sort orders. Join Monster also supports an explicitly ordered array of { column, direction }
objects that gives an exact ordering of the columns for ordering. This is clearer and less implementation dependent than relying on object key iteration order, and recommended for anything that has more than one possible ORDER BY
const User = new GraphQLObjectType({
fields: () => ({
comments: {
type: new GraphQLList(Comment),
extensions: {
joinMonster: {
// order these alphabetically, then by "id" if the comment body is the same
orderBy: [
{ column: 'body', direction: 'asc' },
{ column: 'id', direction: 'desc' }
sqlJoin: (userTable, commentTable, args) =>
`${userTable}.id = ${commentTable}.author_id`
This is handy when dynamically generating sort orders from connection arguments or the like, see the next section!
Sort Dynamically
You may want to provide the consumer multiple sorting options. Rather than an object, you can make orderBy
a function that returns the object. This function will take the GraphQL args as a parameter.
const User = new GraphQLObjectType({
fields: () => ({
comments: {
type: new GraphQLList(Comment),
// the user can use this argument to determine sort columns
args: {
by: { type: new GraphQLList(ColumnEnum) }
extensions: {
joinMonster: {
orderBy: args => {
const sortBy = || ['id']
return => ({ column, direction: 'desc' }))
sqlJoin: (userTable, commentTable, args) =>
`${userTable}.id = ${commentTable}.author_id`
For many-to-many relations, you can add orderBy
to the field directly, and/or within the junction
object to order by columns on the junction table.
const User = new GraphQLObjectType({
fields: () => ({
following: {
type: new GraphQLList(User),
extensions: {
joinMonster: {
// order by the user id
orderBy: { id: 'DESC' },
junction: {
sqlTable: 'relationships',
// this would have been equivalent
//orderBy: { followee_id: 'DESC' },
sqlJoins: [
(followerTable, junctionTable, args) =>
`${followerTable}.id = ${junctionTable}.follower_id`,
(junctionTable, followeeTable, args) =>
`${junctionTable}.followee_id = ${followeeTable}.id`