Through a Junction Table

Let us allow Users to follow one another. We'll need to go through a junction table for the many-to-many and hence two joins to fetch this field. For this we can specify junctionTable, which is the name of the intermediate join table. We also need sqlJoins, an array of two functions that generate the JOIN conditions, the first joins the parent table to the junction, and the second joins the junction to the child table.

const User = new GraphQLObjectType({
  fields: () => ({
    following: {
      description: 'Users that this user is following',
      type: new GraphQLList(User),
      // name the table that holds the two foreign keys
      junctionTable: 'relationships',
      sqlJoins: [
        // first the parent table to the junction
        (followerTable, junctionTable, args) => `${followerTable}.id = ${junctionTable}.follower_id`,
        // then the junction to the child
        (junctionTable, followeeTable, args) => `${junctionTable}.followee_id = ${followeeTable}.id`

Now we have a self-referential, many-to-many relationship.

  users { 
    following {

We also want to support the likes table. We'll allow the Comment type to see which users liked it.

const Comment = new GraphQLObjectType({
  fields: () => ({
    likers: {
      description: 'Which users have liked this comment',
      type: new GraphQLList(User),
      junctionTable: 'likes',
      sqlJoins: [
        (commentTable, likesTable) => `${commentTable}.id = ${likesTable}.comment_id`,
        (likesTable, userTable) => `${likesTable}.account_id = ${userTable}.id`

We've completed the schema diagram! We can theoretically resolve any GraphQL query with one SQL query! In the next section we'll see how we can batch the request different to reduce the number of joins.